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Autor, Redaktor: Małgorzata Grześkowiak
Waga produktu: 0.4 kg
Realizacja zamówienia: 48 godzin
EAN: 9788375973204
Wysyłka od: 11.90 PLN

This bo­ok is ad­dres­sed to eve­ry­bo­dy who wants to help pe­ople in emer­gen­cy si­tu­ation. The de­scri­bed help is first aid. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly two pa­ra­gra­phs are at­ta­ched – one abo­ut AED (au­to­ma­ted exter­nal de­fi bril­la­tor) and the other one abo­ut sim­ple equ­ip­ment which can be used to per­form ven­ti­la­tion. If not ad­ded, the text de­scri­bes eve­ry­thing abo­ut adults. The know­led­ge con­ta­ined in this bo­ok re­lies on the Gu­ide­li­nes 2015 re­com­men­ded by Eu­ro­pe­an Re­su­sci­ta­tion Co­un­cil (ERC) and Ame­ri­can He­art As­so­cia­tion (AHA). Eu­ro­pe­an and Ame­ri­can
gu­ide­li­nes dif­fer, so they are both con­ta­ined in the ta­bles – sho­wing what to do in an emer­gen­cy si­tu­ation. Pe­ople from Eu­ro­pe sho­uld ra­ther re­ly on Eu­ro­pean gu­ide­li­nes whi­le Ame­ri­cans on Ame­ri­can gu­ide­li­nes. The au­thor­s’ idea was to de­scri­be what to do in an emer­gen­cy si­tu­ation ve­ry sim­ply pre­sen­ting a de­fi­ni­tion then pa­tho­phy­sio­lo­gy (what is go­ing on and why), re­co­gni­tion and first aid. To un­der­stand bet­ter the text, ma­ny fi­gu­res are con­ta­ined in the bo­ok. Ho­ping, that this bo­ok will help to po­ssess the know­led­ge abo­ut first aid,


  • ISBN: 


  • Redaktor: 

    Małgorzata Grześkowiak

  • Wydanie: 


  • Rok wydania: 


  • Format: 

    165 x 235

  • Oprawa: 


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